Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Embroidery Morpho Butterfly Necklace

Last month I had a soft launch on my personal Facebook page for selling some embroidered necklaces that I made. This Butterfly Necklace was by far everyone's favorite. I wanted to show you the progression photos of how this project came about. 

Pictures of the Embroidery Necklace

First I drew a simple outline of what I wanted. I then went through and satin stitched around the outline in black, adding some long stitches at the tips of the wings. 

Then I continued with the black and made some back stitches to define the wings some more.

I then started filling in with short and long stitches. I started with 2 strands of the darkest color. 

Then I put one strand each of the dark and the medium color together. 

This is with it all filled in with the medium color. 

I then did the same as above for the little wing but with lighter colors to show depth. 

One day I hope to get confident enough to sell them to the public; I'm not sure if I am there yet. 

Some other Posts you might like

Embroidery Bookmark 

 Mini Still life 




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Thursday, April 6, 2017

Learner's Curve Dishcloth: A Knitting Pattern

I first want to say thank you to all my new Knitting Friends who came by to see the Swift Swirl Hat. It has been up for just over a month and it is already my 10th most viewed pattern. The pattern in 9th place was from 2014. So it makes a girl feel special.

I have a new free knitting pattern for you. When I am learning a new stitch, whether it is for crocheting or knitting, I love to get out my cotton yarn and make my swatch into a dishcloth. That way I'm killing two birds with one stone so to say. I'm learning something new and I'm making something useful that doesn't necessarily have to look nice.

The new techniques that I wanted to learn were slip stitching and the i-cord edging. Now that I know how to do the i-cord edging it might be my new favorite way to finish off a project. I really love how this project turned out. The diagonal direction of the slip stitches reminds me of the dishcloths my granny used to knit for me but with a modern flair. The i-cord edging makes it all look neat and and t adds an extra pop of color.

Come and learn something new with me.

Learner's Curve Dishcloth

Yarn: Any worstedcotton yarn you have will do. The yarn in the pictures are peaches and cream and Paton's Yarn kitchen cotton. 

Needles: 5.5MM double points. You can use regular needles for the dishcloth, but for the edging you will need the double points. 

Notions: Tapestry needle to sew in your ends.  

Size: 6 by 6 inches ( I don't like big dishcloths. I like them to fit in the palm of my hand so I'm not sloshing water everywhere. the pattern is very adaptable. Just add multiples of 4 to make it larger). 

Gauge: 18 k st for every 4 inches.

Stitches Used:  Knit (k), Purl (p), Slip Stitch (sl), Knit 2 together (k2tog)

Cast On 24 st. 

Row 1: {k 2, sl 2 with yarn in front like you are going to purl} repeat till the end.

Row 2: p 1, {sl 2 with the yarn in the back like you are going to knit, p2,} Repeat till the end. Ending with a p 1.

Row 3: {sl 2 with the yarn in front, k2}repeat till the end.

Row 4: p 3, {sl 2 with yarn in the back, p 2} repeat till 1 st from the end p 1.

Row 5 - 24: Repeat rows 1-4 

Bind off.

I-cord Edging:


Cast on 3 st with the wrong side facing up. insert the needle in one of the corners and {pick up a new st. You should now have 4 st on the needle, push the needle down so you are now working from the other end, k 2, k2tog through the back loops} 

Repeat {to} till you come to the next corner. At the corners pick up a stitch in the same space twice. 

Go all the way around the dish cloth. Bind off. Weave in your ends. 

Ravelry Download 

If you would like an ads free, easy printable for this pattern it is on sale in my Ravelry store for $3.00. You can find it HERE. You dont have to have an account and it will come to you in the form of a pdf. 
I also have an ebook available with all 3 patterns in this series: the Learner's Curve Dishcloth, the Learner's Curve Clutch, and the Basket Full of Posies. You can download the book for $3.00 here: <--<--------------->buy now<------------>


Monday, March 27, 2017

Twists and Bows Cowl Relaunch

A free Crochet Pattern

I am relaunching one of my crochet patterns. It will now be a free crochet pattern.I was looking back at older posts and I noticed that this pattern did not get a lot of love. It only had 100 page views. All the fault is on me. This is one of the patterns that I tried selling on etsy. I made 3 dollars. I switched all the patterns to free, but somehow I missed this one, and everyone else is missing out on it.

I love this cowl. It is one that I still wear even 3 years later. It has lots of texture and volume. Also the extra glitter in the yarn makes it oh so feminine.

This is a great textured Cowl. It has defined cables on one side and on the other side it has bows. I made this peice into a cowl to show off both sides of the fabric. This is a very easy pattern. If you know how to fpdc and bpdc you can make this pattern. And if you can not this is a great pattern to learn how to on. I also love the sequins in this yarn it adds just a little bit of sparkle.

Twists and Bows Cowl

Yarn: Patons Lace sequin: 65% Acrylic, 14% Polyester, 9% Mohair, 9% wool: 70 g/2.5 oz 

Hook: F 

Notions: blunt needle.

Size:  34 by 7 inches

Gauge:  8 rows = 2 in, 2 columns and a ch sp = 2 inches

Repeating Pattern

Row 1:  Ch 3 (counts as dc here and throughout), { fpdc in the next 4 st, ch 7} Repeat 3 times, fpdc in the last 4 st.

Row 2: Ch 3, {sk 2 st, bpdc in next 2 st, go back to sk st and bpdc in sk st, ch 7} repeat 3 times, sk 2 st, bpdc in next 2 sts, go back to sk sts and bpdc in sk st,  bpdc in last st.
Row 3: Repeat row 1.

Row 4: Ch 3, {sk 2 st, bpdc in next 2 st, go back to sk st and bpdc in sk st, (ch 3, sc around rows 1 through 3 ch sp, ch 3) } repeat {to } 3 times, sk 2 st, bpdc in next 2 sts,  go back to sk sts and bpdc in sk sts,  bpdc in last st.

Repeat rows 1-4 till you have your desired length.

To Start the Cowl:

Row 1: Ch 52, dc in 3rd ch from hook, {dc in the next 4 ch, sk 7 chs} Repeat 3 times, 5 dc in the last 5 chs.

Row 2- 124: Follow repeating pattern starting with row 2.

 Finish off and weave your ends.

 Block if needed.

 Sew both ends together with a wip stitch for a cowl or leave long for a scarf. 


Something new on the blog is that you can now subscribe to the blog. You will get an e-mail every time I make a new post on the blog. Which is about once a week. 

 Subscribe in a reader

  Where Can I find this pattern?

This pattern is Available for purchase through my Ravelry Store for $3.00. This is a great way to have a printer friendly ads free pdf of the pattern.

buy now  

Don't forget to save this pattern to your faves on Ravelry  


Other Free Crochet Patterns you might like: 

Summer Fling Cowl

Super Twisty Chuncky Neck Warmer

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Project Cards

A Free Printable 

Creative personalities are not known for their organizational skills, myself included. I'm sure there is an ongoing joke around family (of which all of us have that creative gene), that at the end of the day I look around and say, "What happened? How did it get this bad so quickly." We have been trying to do a 10 minute clean at the end of the day to get things tidied up for a new day, but that still doesn't always happen.

When it comes to my projects I've been trying to be more organized, especially with little hands that like to "help."

I tend to have 3 or 4 projects that are in the process of being made at one time. When I need to remember everything that I did for those projects to go up on the blog, there are always things that I forget. The number one thing I forget is the size of the hook, or needles that I used.

The other thing that always happens is that the Sweet Pea always pulls off the labels on my skeins of yarn and embroidery thread.

I needed something to help me keep track of those hook sizes, skein information, and he date I need to have the project done. So I made this little printable for myself. I wanted to share my free printable with you. Hopefully it will help you in your crafting.

You can get your free PDF Printable from my google drive. If you have trouble you can always leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Your Slip is Showing Crochet Edging

A Free Crochet Pattern

I've had my eye on shirt extenders for a little while now. I have a long torso so I'm never sure if shirts will fall where they need to. Then I saw a picture of a shirt extender that was a skirt instead of a tank top, and I thought, "Now that is what I need, I can adjust it how I want." Then I was pretty sure I could make one myself instead of purchasing one.

While I was getting all the things together to make my shirt extender, I stared thinking about when I was a little girl and moms and grandmas would talk about how embarrassing it was when someone would point out that their slip was showing. A slip was one of those under garments that should stay hidden and serves the purpose of not letting the silhouette of your legs show through your skirt.

Times have changed a little. Now we want those slips to show a little and we have changed their name to shirt or skirt extenders.

I have come up with a quick crochet edging to show off under your shirt or skirt. I opted to make my own slip to add the edging to, but it would be very easy to add the edging to a long tank top or favorite skirt.

Your Slip is Showing Crochet Edging Pattern 

Difficulty: Intermediate (If you have worked with lace before then it should be easy) 
Yarn: Redheart Luster Sheen solids: 307 yds, 281m acrylic.
Hook: D/3-3.25MM
Notions: Tapestry needle (for weaving in your ends), sewing machine (to sew your edging to your slip)  
Size: width: 3 inches Height: the the width of your thigh measurement plus 4 inches (model is 52 inces)
Gauge: 24 dc = 4 in. 8 dc = 4 in.
Notes: Stitches used: dc, ch, dc3tog, sc, picot

Row 1: Ch 15, dc in the 7th ch from hook, ch 2, sk 2 ch, 3 dc in the next ch, ch 1, dc in next ch, ch 1, 3 dc in the next ch, ch 2, dc in the last ch.

Row 2: Ch 4, turn, dc in next 3 dc, ch 1, dc in next dc, ch 1, dc in next 3 dc, ch 1, dc in the next dc, ch 2, dc in the last dc.

Row 3: Ch 5, turn, dc in teh next dc, dc3tog with the next 3 dc, ch 2, (dc, ch 1, dc, ch 1, dc) in the next dc, ch 2, dc3tog with the next 3 dc, dc in the last dc.

Row 4: Ch 5, turn, skip the dc3tog, 3 dc in the next dc, ch 1, dc in the next dc, ch 1, 3 dc in the next dc, sk dc3tog, ch 2, dc in dc, ch 2, dc in last dc.

Row 5: Ch 5, turn, {dc in dc, ch 1, dc in next 3 dc, ch 1}, repeat once, dc in last dc.

Row 6: Ch 3, turn, dc3tog with the next 3 dc, ch 2, (dc, ch1, dc, ch 1, dc) in the next dc, ch 2, dc3tog in next 3 dc, dc in the next dc, ch 2 dc in last dc.

Row 7: C 5, dc in dc, ch 2, sk dc3tog, 3 dc in the next dc, ch 1, dc in the next dc, ch 1, 3 dc in next dc, sk dc3tog, ch 2, dc in last dc.

Rows 8 etc.: Repeat rows 2-7

When you get to the length you want, sl st short ends together, and Finish off.

Edging around edging: Pick the side that does not have the extra mesh side. {3 sc in the ch 3 sp, Picot, 3 sc in the next ch 3 sp{ repeat till you have gone all the way around the lace edging. Finish off. Weave in your ends.

Tutorial for the Slip

You can find a post on how to make the shirt extender here.

If you liked this pattern, please add it to your favorites on

You might also like these Patterns:

Adut simple yoke

Lacey Shell Fingerless gloves



Your Slip is Showing Shirt Extender

Did you see my post about the shirt extender lace edging? I told you I would write about how I made the slip. I am not a professional when it comes to using my sewing machine. We have a love hate relationship, but I'm learning to love it more and more.

Supplies needed:
  •  sheer fabric
  • lace edging
  • strip of elastic
  • sewing thread
  • sewing machine
I started by making my crochet edging. I made it to be 4 inches more than my hip measurement.

I found some sheer fabric at our local Value Village, and it just happened to already be cut the exact length I needed. 15 inches. Then you want to cut the width of the fabric to be 5 inches more than your hip measurement.

I added a small hem on the side of the fabric that I would be putting the lace using my rolled hem foot on my sewing machine.

Then I made a french seam connecting the two widths together making a circle.

I then added the lace to the rolled hem.
It almost looks like a finished skirt. I rolled the other waist edging to make a large 1 in hem, and I sewed it around, leaving an opening to add the elastic.I'm really embarrassed by this picture. After I used my rolled hem foot I went to put on my regular foot and it was gone. I couldn't find it anywhere. I had to order a new one on Amazon. So I finished all the hemming with my zipper foot.
I cut the strip of elastic (which I saved from a ripped fitted sheet) slightly tighter than my waist.
and I threaded it through my waist with a safety pin.

 Then sew the two elastic ends together, and then sew closed the opening in the hem.

You're Finished.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Embroidery Bookmark

A Free Embroidery Tutorial

I have another little project to share with you. I also have a crochet project that is getting closer to being ready to go up on the blog. But first the book mark.

This is a great project for when you need a quick gift for some one. It shows off your embroidery skills and shows that you care enough to spend the time to make something by hand.

Book Mark

Finished Size:3in by 7 in.
Item Needed 
  • Fabric 
  • felt or interfacing to put in between the fabric pieces
  • embroidery floss
  • embroidery needle 
  • pinking shears
  • embroidery hoop

 Start by drawing a simple pattern that will fit in a 3 by 7 inch space.

 Take the fabric out of the hoop. Add the interfacing and other piece of fabric stacking it with fabric facing up, interfacing, and fabric facing down. Cut the stack so that it measures 3 by 7 and with the embroidery picture centered.
Add a chain stitch around the outside edges of the book mark.
Tip: Start with your tail in between your layer of fabrics.
Finish off by trimming the book mark with pinking shears.
Now Go, and enjoy a good book.

More Embroidery Tutorials You Will Love

Finding Inspiration in Nature

It Is Well With My Soul

Monday, February 27, 2017

Mini Still Life Emboidery

A Embroidery Tutorial


I wanted to make a quick post about an Embroidery project that I worked on recently.
I thought I would go through the process a little about how this came about.

One of the ways that I like to gain inspiration in my designs is looking through color pallets. For this particular design I saw a picture of an aqua basket sitting on an old farmhouse stool. And the basket had a beautiful spray of pink peonies, and lavender. I thought how can I translate that into embroidery.

I started with the basket by weaving a square and then adding a chain stitch handle. I made short and long stitches to make the "stool." Then For the peonies I used the bullion stitch circles with straight stitches coming out of the middle of the circle. I also added a bow around the basket with gold string.
I then added some green stem stitches and lavender french knots around the stems. I took care around the handle making sure some of the stems were in front and some were in back to give it more depth.
I finished with a lattice stitch for the background.

I am happy with how pretty it turned out. It is a nice little masterpiece to add a chain to and where it around my neck.

More Embroidery Projects You Will Love: 

Embroidery Bookmark

Morpho Butterfly Necklace



Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Swift Swirl Hat: A Free Knit Pattern

A Free Knitting Pattern

***Edit*** As of April 2nd, 2019 everything has been updated and you may find that the crown is better shaped than before. I'm really happy with the changes made to the pattern and I know you will be too.

My first knit pattern. I'm really excited that I am finally able to share with you. I love that in broadening my horizons and learning something new I can then go share it with others. Five years ago when I started this blog if someone told me I would be adding knit patterns to it also, I would have laughed at them.

 Since moving to Canada, I just fell in love with the culture surrounding knitting and crafting. There is also the thrill of learning and accomplishing something new. It has been so Rewarding learning more about all the different fiber arts.
Enough about me I want to tell you about the pattern.

hat made with 78 stitches cast on
This pattern is thinking outside the box on how we approach certain stitches. The Right and Left Twist stitches are usually used when making cables. I wanted to see what they would be as a layered stitch, and this is the end result.

This pattern is fast (that's why I called it swift). There is essentially only one stitch you are using; the knit stitch. There are no yarn overs or decreases You are just tweaking it a bit with a twist. This is the kind of pattern that you can make while watching t.v. and not have to worry about it to much. You don't even have to worry about where the round ends.  You just keep going till you come the the length you want.  

Ravelry Download

Don't forget to find this pattern in Ravelry Here. Be sure to check out the Companion Pattern Swift Chevron Hat. You can purchase the Swift Chevron Hat for $3.00 and you will automatically get the Swift Swirl Hat Pattern for Free. 

<--------->buy now<-------->

Swift Swirl Hat: A Knit Pattern

Designer: Julia Schwartz

Needles: 6,0 mm/US 10 circular needles and a set of double point needles US 10 to finish it off.

Yarn:  I used Lion Brand Wool Ease: mushroom 403 for the adult hat, and I used an unlabeled wool for the smaller hat (sorry) I would recommend any worsted wool size 4.   

Notions: tapestry needle

Gauge: 17 k = 4 inches, 20 rows = 4 inches   


  • Once pattern is established  the pattern will move  to the right by one stitch after every row.
  • Established pattern is 11 +1 stitches. So if you are wanting to make a smaller or larger hat add or take away 11. Example a baby hat would be 78 stitches.
Stitches Used: knit (k), Purl(P), Right twist (RT), knit 2 together(K2tog) , K2togb

Special stitches:
  • Right Twist (RT): Knit 2 together keeping both stitches on the left needle, knit into the first stitch, then pull both stitches onto the right needle, stitch complete.
  • Left Twist(LT): Knit through the back loop of the 2nd st, keep the stitch on the left needle, knit in the first stitch, then pull both stitches onto the right needle, stitch complete.
  • K2tog: k 2 stitches together
  • K2togb: k 2 sttiches together through the back loops


Julia Schwartz. Do not reproduce, copy, distribute, or sell this pattern without permission of the designer. This pattern must not be translated, reproduced, or circulated in another language without prior consent. If you have questions about this pattern please contact


Cast on 100 stitches using the German Twist Long Tail Cast On

Round 1 – 8:( p, k), repeat  (to) all the way around. When the 8th round is complete, place a stitch marker on the starting st.

Round 9: k

Round 10 -38: (K 5 st, RT 3 times), Repeat continually till you finish the 38th row. Finish on a k 5 closest to the placed marker.

Decreasing with the RT (remember that each round is moved to the right by 1 st.)

Switch to double point needles

Row 1: (K2tog, RT 2 times, k 5) repeat all the way around

Row 2: (RT, k1, RT, k5) repeat all the way around

Row 3: (K2tog, RT, k6) repeat all the way around

Row 4: (RT, k, RT, k4) repeat all the way around

Row 5: (K2tog, RT, k5) repeat all the way around

Row 6: (RT, k, RT, k3) repeat all the way around

Row 7: (K2tog, RT, k4) repeat all the way around

Row 8: (RT, k, RT, k2) repeat all the way around

Row 9: (K2tog, RT, k3) repeat all the way around

Row 10: (RT, k, RT, k) repeat all the way around

Row 11: (K2tog, RT, k 2) repeat all the way around

Row 12-13: (k2tog) repeat all the way around, k in last st.

Finish off with a long tail bind off. Pull tight, knot and weave in your ends.

Stay Connected!

If you like this pattern and you don't want to miss the next one be sure to subscribe to Designs by Diligence to get notified when new patterns come out. The only time you will get an email is when a new post happens on the blog, usually on Tuesday.

 Subscribe in a reader

You can also follow me through my social media sites. I love sharing sneak peeks, wips, and fiber arts news and projects.




More Knitting Patterns You Will Love

Swift Chevron Hat

Swift Swirl Cowl