Showing posts with label cowl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cowl. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Croton Petra Cowl

A Free Tunisian Crochet Pattern

It has been forever since I have shared a Tunisian Crochet pattern. A whole year in fact. I decided I needed to publish a new one stat. I wanted a cowl that was lacy and chunky at the same time. I also gave it a marled look by crochet two colors at the same time. It gives it a striking effect that makes the stitches stand out. I put this pattern at an intermediate level only because it is a Tunisian crochet pattern.  It only uses basic stitches and it is a 3 row repeat, so it is easy to get into a rhythm with it. I hope you enjoy. 

Stay Connected

If you like this pattern be sure to subscribe to Designs by Diligence to get notified when new patterns come out. The only time you will get an email is when a new post happens on the blog, usually on Tuesday.

You can also follow me through my social media sites. I love sharing sneak peeks, wips, and fiber arts news and projects.


Designer: Julia Schwartz

Yarn: Knit Picks Brava Sport Weight 273 yards/ 100 grams. Two colors used: Avocado and Custard.

Hook: 9mm Tunisian hook, For Edging: G/4mm regular

Notions: Tapestry needle

Skill Level:

Size: 8 by 26 inches

Gauge: 12 stitches from the stitch pattern x 6 rows = 4 inches

Notes: First loop on the hook always counts as a TKS It is not included in the instructions but it is included in the stitch counts.

Special Stitches:

  • TPS (Tunisian Purl stitch): (forward pass) Place yarn in front of your work, insert your hook into the left vertical bar of the st below, yo and pull your yarn through. (Return pass): follow the instructions in the pattern.
  • TKS (Tunisian Knit stitch): (Forward pass)working with the yarn behind your work, insert your hook between the vertical bars below the horizontal bars in the st below, yo, pull the yarn through, keep your loop on the hook.(Return pass): follow the instructions in the pattern.
  • TK3tog (Tunisian knit 3 together): (forward pass): working with the yarn behind your work insert your hook through the left vertical loops of the next 3 stitches, yo, pull the yarn through , keep your loop on the hook. (return pass): follow the instructions in the pattern.
  • Yo (yarn over): (Forward pass) put the yarn over the hook from back to front, (Return pass): treat this as a loop on the return pass


Foundation Row: (Forward pass): With both colors held together, Ch 23, insert hook into each ch and pull up a loop for a total of 23 loops on the hook,

(Return pass): Yo, pull through 1 loop, {yo, pull through 2 loops} repeat {to} until you have 1 loop left.

Row 1: (Forward pass): TKS in each st for a total of 23 loops

(Return pass): Yo, pull through 1 loop, {yo, pull through 2 loops} repeat {to} until you have 1 loop left.

Row 2: (Forward pass): {Yo, TK3tog} repeat {to} 6 xs, yo, TKS in the last st. (7 TK3tog, 8 yo, 2 TKS)

(Return pass): Yo, pull through 1 loop, (yo, pull through 2 loops) repeat (to) until you have 1 loop left.

Row 3: (Forward pass): {Sk yo, (TPS, TKS, TPS) in the next st}, repeat {to} repeat {to} 6 xs, TKS in the last st. (9 TKS, 14 TPS)

(Return pass): Yo, pull through 1 loop, (yo, pull through 2 loops) repeat (to) until you have 1 loop left.

Continue repeating rows 1-3 until your cowl measures 26 inches

Last Row: Repeat row 1.

Finish off with a long tail. Sew the first row to the last row using a wip st. Secure tail with a knot and weave in your ends.


Round 1: With one stand of color and the G/4mm hook, attach yarn with a sl st into any side st, ch 1, 2 sc in each st around.

Round 2:
Ch 1, sc in starting st, {ch 1, sk 1 st, sc in the next st}, Repeat {to}, to the last st, ch 1, sl st into starting st.

Finish off.

Repeat edging on the other side.

Weave in your ends. 

Where to purchase this pattern

This is a free pattern on the blog, by having it free on the blog I am able to promote the pattern more and share it with more people. I also feel that I bring some trust to my readers who can read through the pattern before they decide if they want to purchase the pattern.

If you would like to purchase this pattern that is ads free and printer friendly, it is available for Download through my Ravelry Store For $3.00. For the first week you can get it for $1.00 (usd). 

I also have the PDF for sale at Love crafts. It is a a little higher price at $3.60. This helps cover the fees that come with posting the pattern on that site. 

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Isla Cowl

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Monday, February 24, 2020

Isla Cowl

A Free Crochet Pattern

I love a good cozy cowl, don't you? I especially love one that I can manipulate and change to suit my needs. So I'm providing you a pattern for one. Cowls with button bands are so versatile and easy to make. You basically make a rectangle and add buttons. Easy Peasey. I have added some cabling for some visual texture. I have also used bulky yarn to make this a quick project.

Stay Connected!

If you like this pattern and you don't want to miss the next one be sure to subscribe to Designs by Diligence to get notified when new patterns come out. The only time you will get an email is when a new post happens on the blog, usually on Tuesday.

You can also follow me through my social media sites. I love sharing sneak peeks, wips, and fiber arts news and projects.




Pattern Information

Designer: Julia Schwartz
  • Classic Yarn Soft Tweed 56% Wool, 20% Viscose, 14% Polyamide, 10% Silk 50 g color loganberry 4 skeins needed
  • Lion brand yarn Wool Ease thick and quick, 80% acrylic 20% wool, 340g 1 skein needed
Hook: K/ 10.5 6.5mm
Notions: Tapestry needle, regular sewing needle, 6 buttons
Size: 27 by 14 inches 
Gauge: 10 sc x 10 rows = 4 inches
Stitches Used: Chain (ch), Slip Stitch (sl st), Single crochet stitch (sc), front post double crochet (fpdc)
Copyright: Julia Schwartz.

Do not reproduce, copy, distribute, or sell this pattern without permission of the designer. This pattern must not be translated, reproduced, or circulated in another language without prior consent. If you have questions about this pattern please contact

Purchase this Pattern!

This is a free Pattern right here on the blog. Just keep scrolling down to find the pattern. If you would like an ads free, printer friendly PDF version I have them for sale in my Ravelry Shop for 3.00 and for sale in my LoveCrafts Shop 
<--->Buy Now<----->

Pattern Instructions

Row 1: With MC, Ch 40, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch for a total of 39 sc.

Row 2 and every even number: Ch 1, turn, sc in each sc. (39sc)

Row 3: Ch 1 turn, sc in the first 3 sc, {(fpdc around the corresponding sc of previous row) repeat (to), sk 2 sc, sc in each of the next 2 sc, fpdc in the corresponding sc of previous row, sk 1 sc, sc in each of the next 4 sc, fpdc in the corresponding sc previous row, sk 1 sc, sc in each of the next 2 sc} repeat {to} 2 xs (12 fpdc, 27 sc)

Row 5: Ch 1, turn, sc in the first 3 sc, {(fpdc around the 2nd to the hook fpdc of row 3, fpdc around the skipped fpdc of row 3 (cable twist made), sk, 2 sc, sc in each of the next 2 sc, fpdc in the corresponding fpdc of previous row, sk 1 sc, sc in each of the next 4 sc, fpdc in the corresponding fpdc of previous row, sk 1 sc, sc in each of the next 2 sc} repeat {to} 2 times (12 fpdc, 27 sc)

Row 7: repeat row 5.

Row 9: Ch 1, turn, {sc in each of the 2 sc, fpdc around the corresponding fpdc of previous row, sk 1 sc}, Repeat {to} 11 xs, sc in the last 3 sc. (12 fpdc, 27 sc)

Row 11: Ch 1, turn, sc in sc, {fpdc around the corresponding fpdc of previous row, sk 1 sc, sc in each of the next 4 sc, fpdc around the corresponding fpdc of previous row, sk 1 sc, sc in each of the next 2 sc, (fpdc around the corresponding sc of previous row) repeat (to), sk 2 sc, sc in each of the next 2 sc}, repeat {to} 2 xs, sc in the last 2 sc. (12 fpdc, 27 sc)

Row 13: Ch 1, turn, sc in sc, {fpdc in the corresponding fpdc of previous row, sk 1 sc, sc in each of the next 4 sc, fpdc in the corresponding fpdc of previous row, sk 1 sc, sc in each of the next 2 sc, (fpdc around the 2nd to the hook fpdc of row 3, fpdc around the skipped fpdc of row 3 (cable twist made), sk, 2 sc, sc in each of the next 2 sc} repeat {to} 2 xs, sc in the last 2 sc. (12 fpdc, 27 sc)

Row 15: Repeat row 13.

Row 17: repeat row 9

Continue repeating rows 3- 18 until you reach your desired length or until 24 inches.

Button Bands

Row 1-2: With CC, ch 1, turn, sc in each sc. (39 sc)
Row 3: Ch 1, turn, sc in each of the next 4 sc, ch 1, sk 1 sc, {sc in each of the next 5 sc, ch 1 sk 1}, repeat {to} 5xs, sc in the last 3 sc. (6 ch 1 sps, 33 sc)

Row 4: Ch 1, turn, sc in each sc and sc in each ch 1 sp. (39sc)

Finish off.

Move to start of the project for 2nd button band

Row 1-4: With CC, ch 1, turn, sc in each sc. (39 sc)

Finish off

Weave in your ends.

Sew on 6 buttons to the second button band to match the button holes of the first button band. Make sure the buttons are on the front side of the cowl.

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Tree Farm Cowl

Pinevale Triangle Scarf

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Monday, October 14, 2019

Tree Farm Cowl

A Free Crochet Pattern

We have now entered into the layering season and I am all here for it. I wanted to make a cowl that was easy to make, lots of texture and extra long to loop it around twice. This is the finished product. The Tree Farm Cowl is really easy to follow once you get the repeats down. There are only 2 rows to remember so you don't have to constantly be looking at the pattern to know what to do next.

For the yarn, I recommend using a size 4 or 5 yarn that is soft and slightly fuzzy.

Stay Connected!

If you like this pattern and you don't want to miss the next one be sure to subscribe to Designs by Diligence to get notified when new patterns come out. The only time you will get an email is when a new post happens on the blog, usually on Tuesday.

You can also follow me through my social media sites. I love sharing sneak peeks, wips, and fiber arts news and projects.



Designer: Julia Schwartz
Yarn: Yarn Bee Alpaca Twist Yarn: 90% acrylic 10% alpaca, 4 medium, 3.5 oz 175 yards (skeins needed)
Hook: J/10 6mm (I'm a really loose crocheter so you might have to choose a larger hook to get gauge)
Notions: Tapestry needle
Size: 6 by 26 inches (in the loop)
Gauge: 13 st x 10 rows = 4 inches
Stitches Used: Chain (ch), Foundation double crochet (fdc), Half Double Crochet (hdc), Slip Stitch (sl st), Front Post Double Crochet (fpdc), Double crochet stitch (dc), Front post  double treble crochet (fpdtc)
Special stitches:

  • fdc: yo, insert hook through the bottom horizontal v at the bottom of stitch just finished, yo, and pull back through for a total of  3 loops on the hook, yo and pull through 1 loop (this counts as the chain), (yo and pull through 2 loops) twice.
  • fpdtr: yo 3 times, insert hook around desired stitch from front to back, yo and pull through for a total of 5 loops on the hoop, (yo and pull through 2 loops) 4 times.

Copyright: Julia Schwartz.

Do not reproduce, copy, distribute, or sell this pattern without permission of the designer. This pattern must not be translated, reproduced, or circulated in another language without prior consent. If you have questions about this pattern please contact

Where Can I Get This Pattern

This Pattern is for sale in my ravelry shop. This is an ads free printer friendly pattern that has been tech edited and tested. It's a great price of $3.00 (USD) for the quality you will get. Ravelry Shop

<----->Buy Now <----->

Even if you are not ready to buy today. I would love it if you gave this pattern some love on Ravelry!


pattern repeat is 25 + 1 

Round 1: ch 4, fdc in 4th chain from hook, fdc 150 more times for a total of 151 fdc, being careful to not twist your work sl st into starting dc to form a loop. 

Round 2: Ch 3 (counts as first dc here and throughout), dc in each dc, sl st in to first dc. (151 sts)

Round 3: Ch 3, *(fpdc around next dc, dc in next dc) repeat (to) 2 times, sk 3 sts, fpdtr in the next st 2 rows down, sk the st behind the fpdtr just made, {dc in each of the next  4 sts, fpdtr in the st 2 rows below right next to the fpdtr previously made, sk 4 sts, fpdtr in the next st 2 rows below, skip  2 sts behind the fptdc sts just made} repeat {to}, dc in the next 4 sts, fpdtr in the st 2 rows below right next to the fpdtr previously made, sk st behind the fpdtr just made, dc in the next st,* Repeat *to* 5 times. Sl st into beginning st. (Note on last repeat the last dc is not needed) (18 fpdc, 36 fpdtr, 97 dc) 

Rounds 4: Ch 3, {(fpdc around next dc, dc in next dc) repeat (to) 2 times, dc in the next 19 sts,} repeat {to} 5 times, sl st into beginning st. (note on last repeat the last dc is not needed) (18 fpdc, 114 dc)

Rounds 5- 12: Repeat rounds 3 and 4

Round 13: Repeat row 2

Finish off. 

Weave in your ends. Make a special note to close the gap created when connecting the first round. 

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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Wellsley Cowl

A Free Knitting Pattern

The Wellsley Hat now has its best friend at its side. When designing these two best friends I actually started with the cowl, and made the hat second. I asked my Instagram friends which pattern they wanted to see first and they said the Hat so that is what I started with.

I feel that the Cowl is a little bit easier than the hat because you are not picking up new stitches anywhere. The thing that I love about this pattern is the versatility. It would be pretty easy to make it bigger or smaller to meet your needs, and again the yarn is just so super soft.

I usually have my patterns ready on Monday/ Tuesday but a lot of crazy has happened this week, and we are moving back to the States at the end of the month. I wanted to get this pattern out to you sooner rather than later so I can concentrate on getting everything packed up for the move. In the next coming weeks I'll be able to share more with you about where my family is headed and what we will be up to, but I'm excited to be starting this next chapter.

Where can I get this Pattern?

This is a free knitting pattern found right here on Designs by Diligence. Just keep scrolling down to read the pattern. If you would like to purchase an ads free, printer friendly PDF you can through my Ravelry Pattern Store for $3.00.
<-------->buy now <--------->
The paid pattern will include everything in this blog post plus charts to help you complete this pattern.

Don't forget to check out the companion hat pattern here!

Stay Connected!

If you like this pattern be sure to subscribe to Designs by Diligence to get notified when new patterns come out. The only time you will get an email is when a new post happens on the blog, usually on Tuesday.

You can also follow me through my social media sites. I love sharing sneak peeks, wips, and fiber arts news and projects.




Designer: Julia Schwartz
Yarn: Any worsted weight yarn. Model used Lion brand Yarn: Heartland color Sequoia 100% acrylic 142 g/ 230m 4 medium
Needles: 9/ 5.5mm
Notions: yarn needle for sewing up the seams
Gauge: 16 stitches and 22 rows = 4 inches
Stitches used: k, p, RT, LT, k2tog, k2togb ( knit 2 together though the back loop), PM (place marker)
Special Stitches:
  • Right Twist (RT): Knit 2 together keeping both stitches on the left needle, knit into the first stitch, then pull both stitches onto the right needle, stitch complete. 
  • Left Twist (LT): Knit through the back loop of the 2nd st, keep the stitch on the left needle, knit in the first stitch, then pull both stitches onto the right needle, stitch complete. 

Notes: The k4 at the front and back of each row is the ribbing of the cowl.

****Edit 10/10/2018 Row 1 was corrected to say K4, p26, k4****

Julia Schwartz. Do not reproduce, copy, distribute, or sell this pattern without permission of the designer. This pattern must not be translated, reproduced, or circulated in another language without prior consent. If you have questions about this pattern please contact


Cast on 34 sts using the long tail cast on.

Row 1 and every odd numbered row: K4, p26, k4
Row 2: k4, k, (LT) x 2, k6, RT, LT, k6, (RT) x 2, k, k4 Row 4: k4, k2, (LT) x 2, k4, RT, k2, LT, k4, (RT) x 2, k2, k4 Row 6: k4, k3, (LT) x 2, k2, (RT) x 2, (LT) x 2, k2, (RT) x 2, k3, k4 Row 8: k4, k4, (LT) x 2, (RT) x 2, k2, (LT) x 2, (RT) x 2, k4, k4 Row 10: k4, k5, LT, (RT) x 2, k4, (LT) x 2, RT, k5, k4 Row 12: k4, k6, (RT) x 2, k6, (LT) x 2, k6, k4 Row 14: k4, k5, (RT) x 2, LT, k4, RT, (LT) x 2, k5, k4 Row 16: k4, k4, (RT) x 2, (LT) x 2, k2, (RT) x 2, (LT) x 2, k4, k4 Row 18: k4, k3, (RT) x 2, k2, (LT) x 2, (RT) x 2, k2, (LT) x 2, k3, k4 Row 20: k4, k2, (RT) x 2, k4, LT, k2, RT, k4, (LT) x 2, k2, k4 Row 22: k4, k, (RT) x 2, k6, LT, RT, k6, (LT) x 2, k, k4 Row 24: k4, (RT) x 2, k18, (LT) x 2, k4 Row 26: k4, (LT) x 2, k18, (RT) x 2, k4

Repeat rows 1- 26 for 4 repeats

Row 105: k4, p, k4 Row 106: k4, k, (LT) x 2, k6, RT, LT, k6, (RT) x 2, k, k4 Row 108: k4, k2, (LT) x 2, k4, RT, k2, LT, k4, (RT) x 2, k2, k4 Row 110: k4, k3, (LT) x 2, k2, (RT) x 2, (LT) x 2, k2, (RT) x 2, k3, k4 Row 112: k4, k4, (LT) x 2, (RT) x 2, k2, (LT) x 2, (RT) x 2, k4, k4 Row 114: k4, k5, LT, (RT) x 2, k4, (LT) x 2, RT, k5, k4 Row 116: k4, k6, (RT) x 2, k6, (LT) x 2, k6, k4 Row 118: k4, k5, (RT) x 2, LT, k4, RT, (LT) x 2, k5, k4 Row 120: k4, k4, (RT) x 2, (LT) x 2, k2, (RT) x 2, (LT) x 2, k4, k4 Row 122: k4, k3, (RT) x 2, k2, (LT) x 2, (RT) x 2, k2, (LT) x 2, k3, k4 Row 124: k4, k2, (RT) x 2, k4, LT, k2, RT, k4, (LT) x 2, k2, k4 Row 126: k4, k, (RT) x 2, k6, LT, RT, k6, (LT) x 2, k, k4 Row 128: k4, (RT) x 2, k18, (LT) x 2, k4 Row 130: k4, k2togb, LT, k18, RT, k2tog, k4 Row 132: k4, k2togb, LT, k16, RT, k2tog, k4 Row 134: k4, k2togb, LT, k14, RT, k2tog, k4 Row 136: k4, k2togb, LT, k12, RT, k2tog, k4 Row 138: k4, k2togb, LT, k10, RT, k2tog, k4 Row 140: k4, k2togb, LT, k8, RT, k2tog, k4 Row 142: k4, k2togb, LT, k6, RT, k2tog, k4 Row 144: k4, k2togb, LT, k4, RT, k2tog, k4 Row 146: k4, k2togb, LT, k2, RT, k2tog, k4 Row 148: k4, k2togb, LT, RT, k2tog, k4

Row 149: k Row 150: k4, k2togb, k2tog, k4
Row 151: k Row 152: k Row 153: k
Bind off.
Seam up your ends so that the triangle piece is overlapping starting at row 128.
Sew the under side of the long side and Sew the top side of the short side.
Add a button.
Weave in any extra ends.

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Swift Swirl Cowl

Waterways Cowl

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Monday, May 21, 2018

Waterways Cowl

A Free Knitting Pattern

This Pattern gained a lot of inspiration from the color itself. The colorway is called Aquatic Speckle. I wanted to explore the different ways we represent water in knitting. I really wanted the cowl to have the look of water moving through a creek or the different stages of a storm.

It took me awhile to pin point the exact design that I wanted. I actually had the design flip flopped and the cowl was half way done. I decided it needed to be the other way.
I ripped it all out. That was a rough day.
I started again and I'm so glad I did. I love how the different textures effect how the speckles lay in the cowl giving it a striking difference in the middle block.

The pattern starts with a simple eyelet pattern, that grows into the middle cable section, and then back to the eyelet pattern.

Where can I get this Pattern?

This is a free knitting pattern found right here on Designs by Diligence. Just keep scrolling down to read the pattern. If you would like to purchase an ads free, printer friendly PDF you can through my Ravelry Pattern Store for $3.00. As a bonus for purchasing the pattern you will receive a chart and key along with the written pattern.
buy now

Save this Pattern to your Ravelry favorites!

Designer Julia Schwartz 
Yarn: Knit Picks Hawthorne Specked color aquatic Speckle 357 yards 100g.
Needle 3,5mm/US 4 circular 24 in
Notions: Yarn Needle to weave in your ends, 1 place marker
Size: 9 in by 32 (circumference) in after blocking
Gauge: 16 k, and 28 rows after blocking equals 4 inches.
Stitches Used:
 K: knit, p: purl, yo: yarn over, RT: Right twist, LT: Left twist, k2tog: knit 2 stitches together,  pm: place marker, sm: slip marker, Left 4 st cable, right 4 st cable, B: Knit through the back loop,
Special Stitches: 

  • Right Twist (RT): Knit 2 together keeping both stitches on the left needle, knit into the first stitch, then pull both stitches onto the right needle, stitch complete.
  • Left Twist (LT): Knit through the back loop of the 2nd st, keep the stitch on the left needle, knit in the first stitch, then pull both stitches onto the right needle, stitch complete.
Julia Schwartz. Do not reproduce, copy, distribute, or sell this pattern without permission of the designer. This pattern must not be translated, reproduced, or circulated in another language without prior consent. If you have questions about this pattern please contact

Cowl Instructions

Cast on 200 stitches
Row 1: pm, k2, p2,
Row 2-4: sm, k2, p2,
Row 5: sm,  k
Row 6: sm, {YO, k2tog, k2} repeat {to}for all 200 sts 
Row 7: sm, {B, k3} repeat {to}for all 200 sts
Row 8-9: sm, k
Row 10: sm, {k2, YO, k2tog} repeat {to}
Row 11: sm, k2, {B, k3} repeat {to}, k in last stitch
Row 12-13: sm, k
Rows 14- 37: repeat rows 6- 13 3 times
Row 38: sm, {YO, k2tog, RT, LT, k2} repeat {to} 
Row 39: sm, {B, k7}, repeat {to}
Row 40: sm, k2, {LT, RT, k4} repeat {to}, k2 in last 2 sts
Row 41: sm,  k 
Row 42: sm, {right 4 st cable, left 4 st cable} repeat {to} 24 times
Row 43-45: sm, k
Row 46: sm, {left 4 st cable , right 4 st cable}repeat {to} 24 times
Row 47-49: sm, k
Rows 50-65: Repeat rows 42-49
Rows 66- 73: repeat rows 42-46
Row 74: sm, k
Row 75: sm, {YO, k2tog, RT, LT, k2} repeat {to}
Row 76: sm, {B, k7}, repeat {to}
Row 77: sm, k2, {LT, RT, k4} repeat {to}, k2 in last 2 sts 
Row 78: sm,  k
Row 79: sm, {YO, k2tog, k2} repeat {to}for all 200 sts
Row 80: sm, {B, k3} repeat {to}for all 200 sts
Row 81-82: sm, k
Row 83: sm, {k2, YO, k2tog} repeat {to}
Row 84: sm, k2, {B, k3} repeat {to}, k in last st
Row 85-86: sm, k
Rows 87- 111: repeat rows 79- 86 3 times
Rows 112-115: sm, {k, p} repeat {to}
Cast off
Weave in your ends

More Knitting Patterns You Will Love

Stay Connected!

If you like this pattern be sure to subscribe to Designs by Diligence to get notified when new patterns come out. The only time you will get an email is when a new post happens on the blog, usually on Tuesday.

You can also follow me through my social media sites. I love sharing sneak peeks, wips, and fiber arts news and projects.


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Monday, August 14, 2017

Iris Crochet Edging

  A Free Crochet Pattern

Sometimes you have to join two worlds to make something great. I had an idea in my head and it just needed knit and crochet to make it happen. I wanted a cowl with a beautiful drape, and with a feminine lace to finish it off.   I also wanted something light for those cool late summer nights that happen here in Toronto because of the lake.

Light and with lots of drape meant this was going to be a knit cowl. I wanted the lace to come to points, and with knitting you can be pretty limited on coming to points, so that means the lace would have to be crochet.

Then I was in a conundrum. How would I promote my new pattern? Most sites want either knit or crochet not both at the same time. So I have decided to promote just the edging.

The cowl is a perfect pattern for someone who crochets and is wanting to try out knitting. There is no easier knitting pattern out there. Just cast on the amount of stitches you want and then knit until you reach 30 inches.

The crochet edging is a simple shell pattern. The only stitches used are sc, dc, ch, and picot. Lace doesn't have to be complicated to look beautiful. Another great part of this lace is that you can make it as long as you like. The body of the lace is a 2 row pattern repeat that ends with a big finish to really make it stand out.


Designer Julia Schwartz
Yarn: 100% Merino Wool: Lace weight, color beige
Hook: 00/3.5mm Steel hook
Notions: yarn needle
Size: minimum height is 2 ½ inches
Gauge: 2 shells and 6 rows is 2 inches
Special Stitches:
Picot: Ch 3, sl st into the st just completed.

Notes: The cowl is worked with a knit garter stitch. the needles were US 7/ 4.5mm. I cast on 40 stitches using the twisted German cast on and I knit stitched til it was 30 inches long. I then wip stitched the two ends together. The edging is worked with crochet.

Copyright: Julia Schwartz. 
Do not reproduce, copy, distribute, or sell this pattern without permission of the designer. This pattern must not be translated, reproduced, or circulated in another language without prior consent. If you have questions about this pattern please contact


Purchase This Pattern

This is a free Pattern! Keep scrolling down to see this free crochet pattern.

If you would like to purchase a printer friendly, ads free version there is one available in my Ravelry Store. Most of my patterns are $3.00.
<---> buy now  <---->
the link will take you through the buying process, or you can start at Ravelry if you prefer.



Edging Pattern: 

Row 1: Attach yarn with a ch, sc in same st, {ch 3, sk 2 st, sc in the next st}, Repeat {to} till the end of the row, sl st into starting sc.

Row 2: Sl st into first ch 3 loop, ch 1, {sc in the ch 3 loop, (5 dc) in the next ch 3 loop (shell made)}, Repeat {to} til the end of the row, sl st in to the beg. St.

Row 3: Ch 3, {sk 2 dc, (sc, ch 3, sc) in next dc, (dc, ch 3, dc) in the next sc}, Repeat {to} till last shell, (sc, ch 3, sc) in middle dc of shell, (dc, ch 3) in the last sc, sl st in beg. St.

Row 4: Sl St in to ch 3 sp. On top of shell, ch 1, sc in same sp, (5 dc) in next ch 3 sp, {sc in the next ch 3 sp, (5dc) in the next ch 3 sp} Repeat {to} till the end of the row, sl st into first sc.

Continue repeating Row 3 and 4 till 1 inch from desired length of edging.

Row 5: Ch 3, {sk 2 dc, (sc, ch 7, sc) in next dc, (dc, ch 3, dc) in the next sc}, repeat {to} till last shell, (sc, ch 7, sc) in middle dc of shell, (dc, ch 3) in last sc, sl st in beg. St.

Row 6: Sl st into ch 7 sp, ch 3, (5 dc, picot, 5 dc) in the ch 7 sp, {sc in the ch 3 sp, (6 dc, picot, 5 dc) in ch 7 sp} repeat {to} the end of the row, sc in the last ch 3 sp, sl st into the first ch 3.

Finish off. Weave in your ends.

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Your Slip is Showing Crochet Edging

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Pin For Later!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Party Cowl

 A Free Crochet Pattern

Are you in need of a quick last minute crochet gift. I have an easy cowl pattern for you.

I first came up with this pattern when I was asked to come up with some class ideas for when I was teaching crochet lessons at the art studio that I work at. We wanted to have some options for when students wanted to have a birthday party or shower at the studio. The idea was that each student that was participating in the party would learn how to make one strand of the cowl, then at the end of the lesson we would put it all together and give it as a gift to the host of the party.

This cowl is easy enough for a beginner and it can be worked up in any yarn or weight. There are a lot of possibilities. Each strand could be a different color or size. I am excited to see what other creative ways you can make this cowl.


Yarn: Lion Brand: Homespun, bulky,  6.00 oz./170 g (185 yd/169 m): Cherry Blossom

Hook: size I/ 9 5.50MM

Notions: 1 button, thread, sewing needle.

Gauge: Each yo-yo is 3 in. The band is 3 inches by 12 inches.

Special stitches:

Picot: ch 4, sl st into st just made.
Joining picot: ch 2, sl st into picot of previous yo-yo, ch 2, sl st into st just made.

Notes: The cowl is made by making individual strands of yo-yos, that are formed into large loops. When you have the desired amount of strands you put them inside a band that is also crocheted.

Yo-yo strand

First yo-yo: With an adjustable ring, ch 3 (counts as the first dc here and throughout), (4 dc, picot, 10 dc, picot, 5 dc) in the adjustable ring, pull the ring tight and sl st into the first dc, for a total of 20 dc. Finish off. Weave in your ends.

2nd- 6th yo-yo: With an adjustable ring, ch 3, (4 dc, joining picot, 10 dc, picot, 5 dc) in the adjustable ring, pull the ring tight and sl st into the first dc. for a total of 20 dc. Finish off. Weave in your ends

Last yo-yo: With an adjustable ring, ch 3, (4 dc, joining picot, 10 dc, joining picot with the first yo-yo, to close up your loop, 5 dc) in the adjustable ring, pull the ring tight and sl st into the first dc. For a total of 20 dc. Finish off. Weave in your ends.

Continue making yo-yo strands till you have your desired amount. The model shown has 4 strands.

The band

Row 1: Ch 9, sc in the second ch from hook, sc in each ch across for a total of 8 sc.
Row 2: Ch 3, turn, dc in each sc across for a total of 8 dc.
Row 3: Ch 1, turn, sc in each dc across for a total of 8 sc.
Rows 4-15: Repeat rows 2 and 3.
Row 16: Repeat row 2.
Row 17: Ch 1, sc in the next 3 dc, ch 2, sk 2 dc, sc in the next 3 dc. (button hole just made.)
Row 18: Ch 3, dc in the next 2 sc, 2 dc in the ch 2 sp, 3 dc in the last 3 sc. Finish off. Weave in your ends.


Add your button to the band using a needle and thread. Put the strand loops in the band and close the band up with the button.
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Friday, September 5, 2014

What I Have Been Working On 9/5/2014

I promised I would show you my embroidery project when it was completed.
I am very happy with the way it turned out. I have been thinking about what I want to do next. It might have to wait a little while. I am finally teaching classes at the art studio that I live near. Here is the web site if you want to check it out.  I have been making projects for the studio classes and I have been making things to also sell there.

For the upcoming winter we decided to go with making cowls that are at different levels of difficulty.

I am so excited for the upcoming season of my life, I am also very close to having a pattern to share with you. Hopefully n the next couple of days I will get it posted. So look out!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Summer Fling Cowl

I have been working all week on this pattern. This is a pattern that has taken on a lot of different forms from what it is today.

I wanted a cowl that had different textures. A lace part and a solid part. I started with the white lace part. Then I cut a t-shirt into a long strip and sewed it up. It did not look the way I wanted it. I then took the cowl apart and added a blue lace panel next to the white lace panel. Then I thought to myself what if I combined the white and blue together to make the solid piece. At that, I found the look I was looking for.

Summer Fling Cowl

Yarn: lace weight yarn, two colors. Each color will be worked separately for the lace motifs and the two strands of colors will be worked together for the solid piece. 

Hook: steel hook 3/2.50MM

Notions: yarn needle


Size: 5 inches wide and 56 inches long before sewn together. 
Special sticthes:
Picot: ch 5, sl st into the stitch just made.
Joining picot: ch 2 sl st in to the picot of the first motif, ch 2, sl st into the dc just made


Lace motif:

Round 1: {Ch 5, tr3tog in the first ch of the ch 5, ch 4 sl st into the first ch}, repeat {to} 3 more times, sl st into each of the first five chs, so that you end up on top of the first petal. (4 petals)

Round 2: Ch 1, sc in the top of the tr3tog, (ch 9, sc on top of the next petal) repeat (to) once, ch 9, sl st into the starting sc. 

Round 3: Sl st into the ch 9 sp, ch 6, (2dc, ch 5, 2dc) in the ch 9 sp, ch 3, dc in the same ch 9 sp, {dc in the next ch 9 sp, ch 3, (2 dc, ch 5, 2 dc) in the same ch 9 sp, ch 3, dc in the same ch 9 sp}, repeat {to} two more times, sl st into the third ch of the first ch 6. 

Round 4: Sl st into the ch 3 sp, ch 3, 2 dc in the same ch 3 sp, ch 3, (3 dc, ch 5, 3dc) in the ch 5 sp, ch 3, 3 dc in the ch 3 sp, picot, {3 dc in the next ch 3 sp, ch 3, (3 dc, ch 5, 3dc) in the ch 5 sp, ch 3, 3 dc in the ch 3 sp, picot}, repeat {to} two more times, sl st into the starting ch 3. Finish off. 

Joining motif for one side:

Repeat round 1-3 of the lace motif

Round 4: Sl st into the ch  sp, ch 3, 2 dc in the same ch 3 sp, ch 3, (3dc, ch 2, sl st into ch 5 of 1st motif, ch 2, 3 dc) in the ch 5 sp, ch 1, sl st into the ch 3 of the first motif, ch 1, 3 dc in the ch 3 sp, joining picot, 3 dc in the next ch 3 sp, ch 1, sl st into the ch 3 of the first motif, ch 1, (3 dc, ch 2, sl st into ch 5 of the 1s motif, ch 2, 3 dc) in the next ch 5 sp, ch 3, 3 dc in the ch 3 sp, picot, {3 dc in the next ch 3 sp, ch 3, (3 dc, ch 5, 3dc) in the ch 5 sp, ch 3, 3 dc in the ch 3 sp, picot}, repeat {to} 1 more time, sl st into the starting ch 3. Finish off.

Joining motif for 2 sides:

 Repeat round 1-3 of the lace motif

Round 4: Sl st into the ch  sp, ch 3, 2 dc in the same ch 3 sp, ch 3, {(3dc, ch 2, sl st into ch 5 of 1st motif, ch 2, 3 dc) in the ch 5 sp, ch 1, sl st into the ch 3 of the first motif, ch 1, 3 dc in the ch 3 sp, joining picot, 3 dc in the next ch 3 sp, ch 1, sl st into the ch 3 of the first motif, ch 1}, repeat once, (3 dc ch 2, sl st into ch 5 of 1st motif, ch 2, 3 dc) in the ch 5 sp, ch 3, 3 dc in the 3 ch sp, picot, sl at into beginning dc. Finish off. 

Make 10 motifs in color 1 and 10 motifs in color two

Solid piece

Putting the two colors together and working them on the hook at the same time. 
Row 1: Ch 30, hdc in the 2 ch from the hook, and hdc in each ch across for a total of 29 hdc.

Row 2: Ch 1 (does not count as a stitch here and throughout), hdc in the first hdc, {ch 1, sk 1 hdc, hdc in the next hdc}, repeat till the last hdc.

Row 3: Ch 1, hdc in the first hdc, hdc in the ch 1 sp, {ch 1, hdc in the next ch 1 sp}, repeat till the last ch 1 sp, hdc in the the last hdc.

Row 4: Ch 1, hdc in the first hdc, {ch 1, hdc in the next ch 1 sp} repeat till the last sp, ch 1 hdc in the last hdc. 

Repeat rows 3 and 4 till your desired length. 


When the lace and the solid piece are finished wip stitch them together with a yarn needle so that they make a long tube.

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